Why Us ?
We Care About Your Needs
At SmileBots, we don't just design technology - we design solutions. We understand your needs and deliver services that would work for you.
Because our team has been born and brought up in the “Lean Startup” environment with hyper-iterations in our core philosophy - we deliver agile development even for the smallest of the projects.
Non Disclosure Agreement
We know that you care about your intellectual property, and so do we. We don't share your data with others, and to ensure that - we sign a non disclosure agreement as and when required.
Human Centered Design
We don't just design a solution, we design a solution that works for you. Closely working with the principles of human centred design, we help you identify and solve real problems.
21 Day Guarantee
If we don't deliver a Minimum Viable Product for you within 21 Working Days, we don't charge you for the app. Period.
The Lean App Stack
Our Lean App Stack helps you deliver your solutions faster while keeping the whole code flexible. People change, markets change, and so can your code - easily.
Reasonable Pricing
We ensure that the solution fits your budget. We have been there, and we understand the cost implications technology has. And that's why, we strive to give you the best value for the price you pay.
Our Core Beliefs
SmileBots is not your usual 9-to-5 Corporate IT Company. We are a cross-functional team of passionate, young and creative individuals determined to change the status quo in Technology. Our core believes guide us and help us deliver solutions that no one else can.

Technology must be effective.
We believe that you must not be using technology just for the sake of it. So when a startup comes to us saying I want to deliver medicines to home – we would suggest starting with WhatsApp rather than developing an app. We believe that developing technology just for the sexiness doesn’t work. It should be effective.

Technology must be reasonably-priced.
The biggies of the world create so much of overheads that even the simplest solutions become prohibitively expensive. We want technology to be available to everyone. That’s why we work from Chhattisgarh – not in San Francisco or in Bangalore. We want to make available the best of technologies, without drilling a hole in your pocket.

Technology must bring Smile to User’s face.
Whenever we design a solution, we ensure that it is actually useful for the end-user and brings a smile on their face. Happy customers means happy companies which in turn makes us feel happy. No wonder we chose to include the word ‘Smile’ in our name. 🙂
Let's Work Together
We love to Talk! Whether you have a technical query, or you want us to work for you. Or even if it's a question about Startups in general, feel free to call us.
Harshit @ +919630045200